Title Jaunųjų tinklininkių (12-13 m.) pratybų krūvio valdymas taikant etapinę vikrumo rodiklių pedagoginę kontrolę /
Translation of Title Management of the exercise load of young volleyball players (12-13 years old) by applying staged pedagogical control of dexterity indicators.
Authors Grigalaitis, Simas
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Pages 91
Abstract [eng] Management of the Exercise Load of Young Volleyball Players (12-13 years old) by Applying Staged Pedagogical Control of Dexterity Indicators Relevance of the research. Agility is one of the most important parts of a young volleyball player's fitness, or rather physical fitness. The management of the exercise load of the young volleyball player must be associated with receiving feedback from the athlete. Comparing the realized exercise load and the feedback received from the athlete, the analysis creates prerequisites for effective exercise load management. Problematic questions. The master's final tesis was aimed at answering the following problematic questions: possible solutions for managing the load of sports training (exercise load) based on the indicators of staged control of dexterity indicators; change in agility indicators using a staged agility indicator control system and relationships with the volume and intensity of the applied exercise load. The object of the study: the possibilities of managing the exercise load of young volleyball players (12-13 years old) taking into account the results of the pedagogical control of the dexterity indicators in stages and feedback from the subjects Research hypothesis: it is likely that the option of managing the exercise load of young volleyball players by applying step-by-step pedagogical control of dexterity indicators and receiving feedback from female athletes is effective and dexterity indicators will be improved by 2-4 percent during the training macrocycle. The purpose of the study: the possibilities of managing the exercise load of young volleyball players (12-13 years old) by applying the results of staged pedagogical control of dexterity indicators and feedback from the subjects Work tasks: 1. to determine the importance of the dexterity indicators of young volleyball players in defining the readiness of female athletes, the factors determining their expression, connections with other components of readiness. 2. to analyze possible solutions for the management of the exercise load based on the indicators of staged control of dexterity indicators and received feedback. 3. to determine the change in the dexterity indicators of young volleyball players (12-13 years old), applying a phased system of control of dexterity indicators and linking them to the volume and intensity of the applied exercise load. Research methodology: The work is based on the statements, principles, regularities of adaptation, activity, motivation, movement training, movement control, tests, exercise load, sports games, youth sports, sports training, special volleyball theory, development (development) theories. Research methods: The following research methods were used in the work: analysis and summarization of information sources, testing, observation, descriptive mathematical statistics The survey sample. 12-13-year-old girls (N=24) who attended volleyball practice at the Šiauliai Sports Center "Dubysa" for 1-3 years were selected for the implementation of the training program and for monitoring the reaction to it based on dexterity indicators. Conclusions: 1. Scientists see four components that characterize agility 2. Tests for determining dexterity development provided in information sources do not cover the entire range of dexterity expression, but only the ability to quickly and accurately perform standard movements. 3. The change in dexterity indicators is determined by the management of the volume and intensity of the exercises applied in the exercises. 4. The dexterity indicators of young volleyball players related to performing jumping movements were improved less compared to the indicators of dexterity related to running movements. 5. The assessment of the load intensity of all exercises performed by the subjects was 6.98±1.26 points, and the trainer who performed the exercises had 5.32±0.42 points.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024