Title Laidotuvių tradicijų ir gedulingos muzikos repertuaro kaita Lietuvoje XIX-XXI a /
Translation of Title Transformation of funeral traditions and the repertoire of mournful music in lithuania from the xix-xxi century.
Authors Matelienė, Ligita
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] Matelienė L. Changes in Funeral Traditions and Mourning Music Repertoire in Lithuania in the 19th - 21st Century: master's thesis / thesis supervisor lect. Angelė Kavaliauskienė, thesis advisor dr. Aušra Kardašienė; Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy, Institute of Educology - Šiauliai, 2024. - 68 p. SUMMARY The Master's thesis examines the changes in funeral traditions and the repertoire of funeral music in Lithuania. To reveal the problem, the aim was to investigate the experience of contemporary performers of mourning music in funeral rites. The object of the research is the change of funeral traditions and the repertoire of funeral music. The aim of the work is to analyse the changes in funeral traditions and the repertoire of mourning music in the 19th and 21st centuries. The objectives of the thesis are to reveal the concept of death in the context of Lithuanian funeral traditions and customs; to present the change of funeral traditions in the historical context; to analyse the tendencies of the change of the repertoire of mourning music; to investigate the change of the funeral traditions and the repertoire of mourning music in the 19th - 21st centuries. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature; semi-structured interviews; analysis of qualitative data obtained using descriptive method. An analysis of the literature and research data suggests that the 19th and 21st centuries have seen a change in the perception of death as the end of a phase and the beginning of something new. In pre-Christian, ancient ritualistic culture, without understanding the fact of death, people believed that the deceased lives on, but changes form - becomes a ghost that can take revenge, and therefore customs, magical practices, etc. were created to protect themselves. With the advent of Christianity, death has come to be seen as an opportunity to prolong life in the afterlife - in the Kingdom of Heaven - and this can be achieved by following Christian customs, praying and singing hymns. The modern interpretation of death is more focused on the performance of ritual services than on a philosophical understanding of the fact of death. In the 21st century, the deceased are usually escorted to their final journey in accordance with Christian traditions, according to financial means, education and aesthetic perception. The repertoire of funeral music has evolved from regional traditions and canticles to a broader stylistic spectrum, encompassing ancient hymns, modern melodies and the influence of popular culture. The study found that the biggest influence on the change in funeral traditions was the change in the place of burial. This has led to a significant reduction in the time taken to say goodbye to the deceased, fewer or no overnight vigils at the deceased's bedside, no more covering of symbols considered to be magical, and a reduction in the length of the chanting at the funeral. The change in tradition has also influenced the change in mourning music, from several hours of Mountain Chanting or other folk devotional practices to contemporary classical or popular music.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024