Title Ugdymas kaimo mokykloje: istorinė-lyginamoji analizė /
Translation of Title Education in rural schools: a historic-comparative analysis.
Authors Aleksandravičiūtė, Ina
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Pages 41
Abstract [eng] In 2021 Lithuanian government adopted a resolution on the reorganization of the network of schools that implement formal education programs. This resolution established the minimum number of students in classes. For a class to be formed, there must be at least 8 students in it, and for 3rd gymnasium class – 21 students. The decision significantly changes the life of a rural school – some rural high schools will lose their high school status, others will have to form multi-age classes or join few smaller schools to one unit. The paper analyses the role of the rural school, its specifics and importance for the rural community in the 20th century. During the interwar period and the Soviet occupation, the village school was one of the most important political tools of the state. The school had to spread the ideology of the time, which differed significantly in the periods in question. Great attention was paid to the education of a loyal citizen. For this reason, the state was interested in the importance of the school, its image and prestige. After Lithuania regained its independence, the idea of national education was returned. The importance of the rural school was no longer one of the most important priorities of education policy. The literature analysis and empirical research allow us to conclude that the rural school plays an important social role. Its existence ensures better access to education, equal opportunities and social justice. Rural communities are usually distant from regional centres and therefore cooperate more closely within the community. The school takes care of the cultural life of the community and supports the vitality of the village. Rural schools support the cultural capital of the area, which is less in villages due to the lack of cultural resources. Due to the social functions it performs, the village school is extremely important for children from disadvantaged socioeconomic environment. This is also confirmed by the example of a rural school in Finland. Research conducted in Finland shows that schools are crucial for rural communities to achieve social justice. Although the attitude of the population of both countries to the rural school coincides, the implemented educational policy differs in the regions.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024