Title Suinteresuotųjų šalių vertės kūrimas ir įsisavinimas platforminiuose versluose /
Translation of Title Creating and capturing value for stakeholders in platform business.
Authors Beinoras, Petras
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Pages 95
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY 95 pages, 17 tables, 3 figures, 94 references. The main purpose of this master thesis is to research and assess the processes and mechanisms of value creation and capture for stakeholders in platform business. The work consists of three main parts: the literature analysis, research and it’s results, conclusions with recommendations. Literature analysis reviewed the concepts of platform business and value creation in general. Also, elements like network effects, data as a driver of value or value creation logic were explored. Furthermore, several stakeholders like users, suppliers, owners, and employees were researched in order to understand their role in platform businesses. After the literature analysis, the author has carried out the study about different elements that have ability to influence value creation for stakeholders in platform business. 15 professionals in this fields were interviewed by the questionnaire created by the author. The main purpose of the questionnaire was to identify the mechanics of value generation and capture in platform firms, highlighting the complex interactions that exist between platform stakeholders and the techniques used to improve stakeholder engagement and satisfaction. The results of the research were processed with „Maxqda“ software. The performed research provides useful details about the relationships within platform ecosystems and the tactics employed by platform companies to manage these dynamics. This work establishes a foundation for future investigations aimed at deepening our knowledge of the economics and management of platforms by providing understanding of the processes involved in the creation and capture of stakeholder value. The conclusions and recommendations summarize the main ideas of literature analysis and the results of the research. The author believes that the findings of this paper could give useful ideas for other companies who are looking forward to improving their value creation.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024