Abstract [eng] |
As with most technologies, there is a crucial relationship between what the role a perception towards the technology plays to its adoption or behavioural intention to use. However, the behavioural intention to use it in the workplace significantly depends on the perception an employee has. In general, organisations tend to significantly benefit from new technology adoption by their employees as it directly impacts employee engagement, productivity and can lead to fostering a culture of innovation. Nevertheless, to be willing to make the most out of it, an employee has to possess a positive attitude. There could be certain factors behind such positivity, such as having a clear understanding of benefits that a technology offers, having faith that you can and being able to actually apply it. On the other hand, having a negative perception may act as a deterrent towards action. The reasons for a negative perception to emerge can be various, ranging from anxiety towards artificial intelligence in general, having a feeling that you may be replaced, not having necessary skills or education. Despite the fact that the role of perception has been studied by various researchers in terms of other technologies and in different contexts, it is still the case that there is quite a limited amount of research investigating the link between the perception and artificial intelligence adoption in the workplace. As we are experiencing these fundamental shifts, this gap in research places this paper right in the sweet spot for exploration and investigation of this crucial intersection. |