Title Integration of sustainable development goals in business strategies /
Translation of Title Darnaus vystymosi tikslų integravimas į verslo strategijas.
Authors Thida, Su Myat
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Pages 101
Keywords [eng] Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), business, business strategy, awareness, challenges, long-term benefits. Raktiniai žodžiai: Tvaraus vystymosi tikslai, verslas, verslo strategijos, sąmoningumas, iššūkiai, ilgalaikė nauda.
Abstract [eng] Environmental degradation and social tensions have been significantly increasing in society since a couple of decades ago due to the growing populations and industrialization started the problems such as equality and job opportunities, climate change, global warming, health, pollution of water resources, etc. Pressures, that in September 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which are a framework for achieving global sustainability until 2030. The businesses have the potential to make significant contributions towards environmental sustainability through the integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Companies of all sizes and across various sectors have a crucial role to play in contributing to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A business strategy that incorporates sustainability is crucial not only for large corporate firms but also for small and medium enterprises to align effectively with the business environment. In this thesis, it is described and analyzed that having an awareness of SDG is important. Some companies are not effectively contributing to these goals due to some challenges such as financial, limited knowledge and resources, implementation difficulties, and so on. However, there are long-term benefits for integrating SDGs into business strategies. It is analyzed various sectors and countries to obtain a comprehensive analysis. To ensure a lasting competitive advantage and long-term benefits, companies should promote and integrate the SDGs into their business strategies. Organizations can align their operations with sustainability, contribute to economic growth, social well-being, and environmental preservation, and ultimately play a transformative role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Keywords: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), business, business strategy, awareness, challenges, long-term benefits.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024