Abstract [eng] |
This thesis is aimed to provide an extensive picture of the phenomena encountered in optical parametric amplification of pulsed light beams. The particular attention is paid for the spatio-temporal dynamics of the pulsed light beams being amplified. All the research has been done by means of numerical methods. The equations used in the model were derived from the Maxwell’s equations and the assumptions made along the derivation of equations were discussed. Using the presented model it has been numerically demonstrated, that in noncollinear optical parametric amplifier, when pulse fronts of pump and signal are not matched, the signal pulse becomes tilted and aside from angular dispersion acquires a spatial chirp. It has been shown, that the magnitudes of the induced spatial and angular dispersions decrease at different rates with the increase of the signal pulse temporal chirp. The main results of this study were verified experimentally. Additionally, in this thesis we have proposed a novel and versatile method for pulsed conical wave parametric amplification with subsequent spatio-temporal compression during propagation in free space. It allows to form ultra-intense and propagation invariant wave-packets capable to propagate over many Rayleigh range in the desired material. In contrast to ordinary chirped-pulse amplification technique it does not require a pulse compressor, thus greatly facilitates the parametric amplification of few-cycle light pulses. |