Title Sudėtinių aktyvių lazerinių elementų su plonais legiruotais sluoksniais tyrimas /
Translation of Title Investigation of composite laser active elements with thin doped layers.
Authors Aleknavičius, Aidas
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Pages 103
Keywords [eng] composite laser active element ; thin active disk ; thermal effects ; rating of optical aberrations ; beam propagation parameter
Abstract [eng] The aim of this PhD thesis was to investigate the concept and application abilities of a proposed composite laser element finding factors that limit performance of such laser element. In this work a composite laser element was proposed which combines decent properties of various laser elements. Nevertheless, experiments showed that such element has no advantage over a widely used rod type active laser elements. In order to explain the nature of induced optical aberrations, theoretical models describing optical, thermo-optical and thermo-mechanical properties of active medium were developed and applied. An original method to rate induced optical aberrations which allow unambiguous comparison of different aberrations was presented. A simple model to calculate the variation of intensity distribution as the beam propagates was presented also. All models were confirmed experimentally. Using developed models it was found that the main cause of optical aberrations in the proposed element is the undoped medium between thin doped layers. Generally, abilities of proposed active laser elements are limited by thermal effects in the undoped medium.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013