Title The impact of managerial profiles on top management team potency /
Translation of Title Vadybinių profilių įtaka aukščiausio lygio vadovų komandos pajėgumui.
Authors Diska, Vadimas
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Pages 44
Keywords [eng] Managerial profile ; top management team ; team potency
Abstract [eng] The success of company’s activity is determined by top management and their team potency which is related to many factors, the most important of which, is managers managerial profile. On how much, according to managerial profile, is optimal top management team (TMT) depends team potency to realize existing potential and company’s effectiveness. The scientific problem, which is analyzed in dissertation is related to the fact how much top management managerial profile contributes to team potency. The goal of the research is to formulate the conception of managerial profile, to structure it and empirically investigate the impact of different elements on TMT potency. In order to achieve the goal of dissertation, top management performance and role transformation in the context of modernizing management and facing new challenges, top management managerial profile conception is formulated and substantiated and structural model of management profile is presented. The comprehensive analysis of theoretical and empirical research is performed on TMT and its potency. On the basis of composed theoretical investigation model, the different managerial profile elements’ influence on top management team potency was empirically assessed. The investigation instrument on the managerial profile influence on TMT potency was constructed, which, in its turn, anticipates practical application perspective in other scientific researches too.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2014