Title Business partnership development on the basis of internal and relationship marketing /
Translation of Title Verslo partnerystės vystymas vidaus ir santykių marketingo pagrindu.
Authors Griesienė, Ingrida
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Pages 47
Keywords [eng] internal marketing ; business partnership ; relationship marketing ; involvement.
Abstract [eng] Problem of the scientific thesis – how does internal and relationship marketing influence the development of business partnership. Object of the scientific thesis: development of business partnership. Aim of the scientific thesis: to determine the development of business partnership influences by internal and relationship marketing. The analyze of theoretical literature explaining the main principles of business partnership, internal and relationship marketing concepts. A thorough review of the literature carried out theoretical model of business partnership development on the basis of internal and relationship marketing. The model revealing these links is presented. The suitability of this model was verified by the empirical research. Considering theoretical and empirical results of the research the conclusions were presented which disclose the interdependence links between business partnership development and internal, relationship marketing. It was established that offered model is important and efficient to develop and maintain relationships with partners when impact of constituents of internal marketing and relationship marketing is evident.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2014