Title Value of computerized inhibitory control test and blood tests in minimal hepatic encephalopathy diagnosis /
Translation of Title Kompiuterizuoto inhibicinio kontrolės ir laboratorinių testų vertė nustatant minimalią hepatinę encefalopatiją.
Authors Savlan, Ilona
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Pages 43
Keywords [eng] minimal hepatic encephalopathy ; inhibitory control test ; IL-6 ; PHES battery
Abstract [eng] The aim of the study was to ascertain a value of computerized inhibitory control test (ICT), routine blood tests, peripheral blood ammonia and IL-6 concentration for diagnosis of cognitive disorders in patients with chronic liver diseases. Tasks: to assess a frequency of cognitive impairments and associated risk factors and to compare ICT and blood tests results in chronic hepatitis and cirrhotic patients; to ascertain ICT, IL-6 and routine blood tests values for diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE). Until now there were no studies performed whether chronic hepatitis patients with cognitive disorders have analogous ICT, IL-6 and other tests abnormalities as cirrhotic patients with MHE. It has not been studied which ICT and other tests results predict best the cognitive disorders in such patients. 62 cirrhotic patients without overt hepatic encephalopathy, 73 chronic hepatitis and 53 healthy individuals were enrolled. On the same day blood tests, psychometric and ICT tests were performed by every participant. Cognitive disorders were detected in 54,8% of chronic hepatitis patients. In cirrhotic patients MHE was found in 71,0%. Cognitive disorders predispose shorter study time, the fibrosis score, double etiologic factor, while age and gender has no influence. In chronic hepatitis patients the cognitive impairments correlate with ICT and elevated liver enzymes. In cirrhotic patients cognitive disorders correlate with ICT and IL-6 concentration. Conclusion: the cognitive disorders in cirrhotic and chronic hepatitis patients predict different ICT and blood tests results. In cirrhotic patients ICT and IL-6 only satisfactorily predicts MHE therefore are not suitable for diagnostics.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2014