Title A phenomenological interpretive analysis of the experience of becoming a teacher: the case of Lithuania /
Authors Pečiulienė, Lina ; Bubnys, Remigijus
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Is Part of Malta Review of Educational Research (MRER). 2024, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 139-157.. eISSN 1726-9725
Keywords [eng] professional teacher identity ; initial teacher training ; Lithuanian education system
Abstract [eng] Theoretical literature reveals that there are various concepts of identity and professional identity, but it is evident that teachers with a stronger teacher identity are more successful in the education system and less likely to drop out of the system. It is also evident that the most intensive professional identity formation occurs during the years of study, which can be called the most intensive years of becoming a teacher. The Lithuanian education system faces various issues, such as the shortage of teaching staff and low teacher status in society, the nonattraction of the best candidates to the teaching profession, etc. Despite this, young people still choose to become teachers. This study explores the experiences of pre-service Lithuanian teachers. Seeing the process of becoming a teacher as the phenomenon of identity formation, it raised the following question: what is the experience of becoming a teacher during the years of study? An interpretative phenomenological analysis of 11 indepth interviews of future teachers has been conducted. Three metathemes emerged from the analysis. The article discloses one of the metathemes of significant others by presenting future teachers’ experiences through their voices and revealing the meaning they make. The results show that the multidimensional essence of teacher identity can be affected by those around you and disclose the unique recurrences of the Lithuanian future teachers' cohort experience in relation to the theory.
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024