Title Ginčų arbitruotinumo problematika ir tendencijos /
Translation of Title Arguable aspects and trends of arbitrability.
Authors Kozubovska, Beata
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Pages 322
Keywords [eng] arbitration ; arbitrability ; dispute
Abstract [eng] The topic of the paper “Arguable aspects and trends of arbitrability” identifies the principal objective and purpose of the research. Object of the work — determination of the objective arbitrability and display of current trends within the arbitrability area. Purpose of the thesis — legal analysis of the arbitrability aspects and trends; drafting of optimal list of arbitrable disputes in Lithuania and offering outline for future development perspectives. This research paper reveals analysis of arguable issues of arbitrability, provides an overview of how arbitrability is tackled under different regulations in different states, identifies and questions the rationale behind non-arbitrabe disputes and presents trends within area of arbitrability. This is done in order to identify the pros and cons of the regulatory aspects in different jurisdictions so as to eventually provide an optimal model for arbitrability disputes in Lithuania. The legal doctrine in Lithuania sheds little light on the arbitrability issues. That is to say that arbitrability has not yet been considered in the depth it obviously deserves. The issue of arbitrability is particularly relevant in Lithuania in view of the new Law on Commercial Arbitration which reinforces pro-arbitration tradition and expands the list of arbitrable issues. Additionally, the issue of arbitrability is crucial in the light of internalization of business, growth of investment in Lithuania and strenghtened connections of Lithuanian business representatives abroad. Arbitrаtiоn friеndly cоuntriеs inеvitаbly аttrаct mоrе аrbitrаtiоn usеrs.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014