Title Vilniaus istorijos naratyvai šiuolaikinėje miesto ir miestiečių komunikacijoje: socialinio tinklo „Facebook“ įrašų analizė /
Translation of Title Narratives of Vilnius history in contemporary communication between the city and its citizens: an analysis of Facebook posts.
Authors Siudikienė, Daiva ; Jokūbauskienė, Saulė
DOI 10.51740/RT.
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Is Part of Aktualu rytoj = Relevant tomorrow: Specialus numeris „Europa. Sostinė. Tapsmas: XIX–XXI a. Vilnius“.. Vilnius : Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka. 2023, t. 3, Nr. 23-24, p. 100-116.. eISSN 2669-2899
Keywords [eng] Vilnius ; history ; narratives ; storytelling ; communication ; social media
Abstract [eng] In today’s world, foreigners and even locals rely on the overall image of a country or city to make decisions related to investment, tourism, and migration. The image formed in the minds of the public is essential for presenting location internationally. The active participation of residents in creating stories about their city is becoming an integral part of inclusive communication. In 2023, for its 700th anniversary, Vilnius invited people to take part in events and celebrations, which were widely covered on social media. The article analyzes the narratives of Vilnius history in the contemporary communication of the city and its residents, specifically on Facebook in 2023, using the theoretical approach of narratology. The study has showed that urban community takes on new formats when social network users as members of a community actively engage in co-creative activities to develop narratives about their city. As a unifying theme, the narratives of Vilnius’ history connect the city and its inhabitants, and encourage the involvement of community members in urban communication and respond to the need to be part of the city. The inhabitants of Vilnius, their daily activities and experiences, important historical events and the architectural development of the city were the most significant themes in the city’s communication.
Published Vilnius : Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka
Type Journal article
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description