Title Psichologinis darbuotojų įgalinimas: jo prielaidos ir vaidmuo organizacijoje /
Translation of Title Psychological empowerment of employees: its antecedents and role in organization.
Authors Tvarijonavičius, Mantas
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Pages 61
Keywords [eng] Psychological empowerment ; empowering leader behavior ; structural empowerment
Abstract [eng] Psychological empowerment of employees (state of mastery and energy to do one‘s job) is analyzed in this dissertational research. In order to evaluate this state a Lithuanian psychological empowerment questionnaire was created. The characteristics of psychological empowerment, the antecedents of psychological empowerment, the role of psychological empowerment, and the characteristics of managers’ and specialists’ psychological empowerment were analyzed. This research is one of few pioneering studies of psychological empowerment in Lithuania. While implementing the dissertational research, main statements to be defended were explored and confirmed as well: i) the state of psychological empowerment is characterized by five dimensions: meaning, enthusiasm, decision making, autonomy, and confidence in one’s competence, ii) empowering leader behavior, structural empowerment, and cognitive job demands are the main antecedents of psychological empowerment, iii) state of psychological empowerment predicts greater job satisfaction, job performance, and demonstrating effort at work, iv) both managers’ and specialists’ psychological empowerment is predicted by challenging work, that is ability to use current and gain new skills.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014