Title Lietuvių vaikų veido, žandikaulių ir dantų raida (Vilniaus miesto 4-16 metų vaikų duomenys) /
Translation of Title Permanent teeth emergence time and growyh of the face and jaws of Lithuanian children (data of 4-16 years old children, residents of Vilnius city).
Authors Almonaitienė, Rūta
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Pages 392
Keywords [eng] teeth ; eruption ; face ; growth ; anthropometry
Abstract [eng] The aim of the present study was to evaluate measurements, proportions, growth patterns of the face and jaws and to provide the emergence time and sequence of permanent teeth of Lithuanian children 4 to 16 years of age. Body height, over 40 craniofacial measurements, 59 proportion indices and erupted permanent teeth were evaluated. The study was carried out in kindergartens and secondary schools of Vilnius city in 2004-2009 and 2010-2011 years. The study sample consisted of 3843 children, examined according to the standard anthropometric methodology. This study presents anthropometrical measurements and proportions of the head, face and jaws as well as their age dynamics, sexual dimorphism, secular trend over past 50 years of Lithuanian children 4 to 16 years of age. Normal variation of the emergence time and sequence, differences between sexes of permanent teeth and correlation between the number of erupted teeth and facial dimensions and body height are analysed. Most of the measurements and all proportion indices, the emergence time of permanent teeth and their correlation with body height and facial dimensions in Lithuanian children are presented for the very first time. The results are significant and have a great value not only for anthropologists, specialists of human biology or public health, but for the dentists, maxillofacial and plastic-reconstructive surgeons, paediatricians, endocrinologists and all other physicians in their clinical practice evaluating general as well as oral health of the child during the period of growth of the face and jaws and eruption of permanent teeth. Also the results are important to forensic medicine in determining child’s age when birth records are missing.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014