Title Adaptyviųjų programavimo mokymo priemonių projektavimas /
Translation of Title Design of adaptive programming teaching tools.
Authors Urbonienė, Jūratė
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Pages 170
Keywords [eng] Adaptive teaching system ; programming teaching ; agent system
Abstract [eng] The dissertation examines programming teaching subject material adaptation to the learner's individual qualities - his learning style by Herrmann learning style classification. To that purpose, programming teaching features, existing programming teaching environments and systems, adaptive learning systems, software agents and agent systems, students learning styles and learning material elements (learning objects - LO) and their repositories and learning systems development methods were examined. In this work authors created methods are presented: method for ranking of LO types by relevance of Herrmann learning style; method for improved teaching subject curriculum compliance with the subject area of LO and Bloom taxonomy levels; method for adapting elements of programming learning materials (LO) to the Herrmann learning style of the learner. All of these methods are integrated as individual agents of multiagent software system to adaptive programming teaching tools model (further - adaptive programming teaching system - APTS). Developed model was evaluated by selected experts - the quality of the use of the model i. e. effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, usability (flexibility and context conformity) by adapting teaching subject material to the learner has been shown.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014