Title Negotiating non-motherhood. Representations, perceptions, and experiences :
Authors Björklund, Jenny
DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-66697-1
ISBN 9783031666964
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Pages 251
Keywords [eng] motherhood ; non-motherhood ; family studies ; parenting studies ; gender studies ; motherhood in literature ; sociology of the family ; family anthropology ; fertility ; infertility ; childlessness by choice ; kinship studies ; comparative literature ; social policy studies
Abstract [eng] This open access edited volume focuses on the representations, perceptions, and experiences of women who do not have children against the backdrop of traditional gender norms, pronatalist policies, and patriarchal structures. While involuntary and voluntary childlessness have typically been treated separately and studied within different disciplines in most previous scholarship, contributing authors explore non-motherhood beyond the involuntary/voluntary divide and consider a wide range of conceptualizations of women who do not become mothers. The editors bring together a variety of perspectives from different national contexts and disciplines, including family studies, gender studies, literary and cultural studies, sociology, and film studies to explore non-motherhood. The book focuses on how women who choose or experience non-motherhood are negotiated, felt, represented, and received.
Type Book
Language English
Publication date 2025
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