Title Highway robbery in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th-17th century /
Authors Čelkis, Tomas
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Is Part of Faravid.. Oulu : The Historical Association of Northern Finland. 2024, no. 55, p. 27-63.. ISSN 0356-5629. eISSN 2670-2320
Keywords [eng] Highway Robbery ; Grand Duchy of Lithuania ; banditry
Abstract [eng] Road robbery is a specific crime that was widespread across Europe and has been around for ages. The gangs that emerged would rob and live along the roads. Historians have taken note of this social phenomenon. However, the historiography has mainly focused on road robbery in Western Europe in the 15th and 17th centuries. Historians have much less studied road robbery in Eastern Europe, what may lead to the unreliable perception that the scale of these crimes in Eastern Europe was lower. This article examines the case of road robbery in the GDL: the causes and circumstances of crimes, the timing and location, and the composition of social groups of the perpetrators and the victims. The study has led to conclusions that add to the knowledge of the history of crime in Europe.
Published Oulu : The Historical Association of Northern Finland
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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