Title Використання штучного інтелекту в судово-експертній діяльності /
Translation of Title Use of artificial intelligence in forensic science.
Authors Shepitko, Mykhaylo ; Latysh, Kateryna
DOI 10.32353/khrife.3.2024.03
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Is Part of Theory and practice of forensic science and criminalistics.. Kharkiv : National Scientific Center «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute». 2024, Вип. 3(36), p. 24-36.. ISSN 1993-0917. eISSN 2708-5171
Keywords [eng] digital technologies ; artificial intelligence ; forensic science activities ; standardization ; ethical, legal and security standards
Abstract [eng] Recently, artificial intelligence has become an ordinary phenomenon in various spheres of human life, one of which is forensic expertise. Certain areas of forensic activity have even become more sensitive to the use of artificial intelligence elements, in particular: identification of a person based on appearance, fingerprints and DNA; document research; analysis of digital information, etc. Due to the extremely rapid development of artificial intelligence systems, the legal framework for its application is not sufficiently developed, unfortunately, not only in Ukraine: legislators of even very advanced countries clearly cannot keep up with its rapid evolution, although they are trying very hard. For example, the legal basis for regulating the use of artificial intelligence in the EU is the Artificial Intelligence Act, and on the domestic territory, the Concept of the Development of Artificial Intelligence in Ukraine. The authors of this research aimed to outline possibilities, prospects and limits of artificial intelligence use in forensic expert activity in Ukraine and other countries and to develop a flexible legal framework for its application with mandatory professional human control (forensic expert). In order to achieve the goal, the authors used a complex of general scientific and special methods (comparative (comparative), historical and legal, system analysis, generalization, forecasting). It is proposed to develop control algorithms and standardize the process of introducing artificial intelligence before its practical application. Elements of artificial intelligence today can already be actively and unconditionally used in he didactic (educational) sphere and scientific activity, while in the forensic expert field it is first important to formulate high ethical, legal and security standards for its use.
Published Kharkiv : National Scientific Center «Hon. Prof. M. S. Bokarius Forensic Science Institute»
Type Journal article
Language Ukrainian
Publication date 2024
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