Abstract [eng] |
USAGE AND PROTECTION OF THE ROADS OF CHRIST’S SUFFERINGS IN THE XX CENTURY – THE BEGINNING OF THE XXI CENTURY The attention and interest of the Lithuanian Catholic Church and the Government towards these sacred places encouraged to review their past and present (Inter-war, Soviet period, Independence of Lithuania) and to find out how the usage and protection of these sacred complexes in Vilnius and Žemaičių Kalvarija varied in the above mentioned periods. This enables us to see the aspects of the popularity, destruction, rebuilding and decline of these sacred places and makes us reflect on the spiritual, cultural, heritage protection situation of the Roads of Christ’ Sufferings in the past and to evaluate it in the recent context. The object of the research is the first Lithuanian Roads of Christ’s Sufferings in Žemaičių Kalvarija and Vilnius Verkiai, representing different regions, localities, architecture, traditions and the Dominican type of the Road; the usage and protection of the sacred complexes and the Roads of Christ’s Sufferings during the Inter-war, Soviet period and Independence marking the main differences and peculiarities of these sacred places. Particular attention is paid to Trinapolis ensemble which is situated in the area of Vilnius Kalvarijos and is its concurrent, though it does not belong to the Road of Christ’ Sufferings. The objective of the research is to consider the aspects of the protection of the material and immaterial heritage of Vilnius Kalvarijos and Žemaičių Kalvarija (the places that were included in the project of the pilgrim tour of the Pope John Paul II) during the Inter-war, Soviet period and Independence. The main tasks: 1) to reveal the reasons why the tradition of the Roads of Christ’ Sufferings were established and their typology; 2) to analyze the peculiarities, differences and changes of the objects during the period of the research; 3) to introduce the usage and attendance of the mentioned chapels and the Roads of Christ’ Sufferings; 4) to reveal the methods that were used to protect the sacred objects and the tradition of the Roads of Christ’ Sufferings during the period of the research. |