Title Turkijos politinės sistemos pokyčių analizė pagal Kopenhagos mokyklą: "pro-islamistinės" demokratijos link? /
Translation of Title The analysis of changes in turkish political system according to the copenhagen school: shift towards the "pro-islamic" democracy?
Authors Naujokaitytė, Rusnė
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Pages 94
Abstract [eng] The master thesis under name „The Changes of Turkish Political System According Copenhagen School: Towards „Pro-islamistic“ Democracy? presents analysis of the security policy in Turkey and its change. It‘s been a log time that Turkey is a country which belongs to the Western security system, but its main aim – to join the European Union (EU) is still not completed. Trying hard to accomplish all the requirements which are called the Copenhagen Criteria, Turkey started a huge process of democratic reforms. This thesis states that EU was that factor which impacted Turkey’s security policy desecuritization process through its Europeanization. This process started Turkey’s democratization, which was quiet undemocratic earlier, because of strict security policy and harsh civil-military relations. The Europeanization affected desecuritization process, because there were many changes done to the Turkish laws, which allowed freeing the individual freedoms and civil rights. The proceeding democratization allowed to strengthen the organizations and parties with religious background, which were earlier restricted because of strict secularist policy, which saw religion (Islam) as a major threat to the Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s founding principles of Kemalism. These processes testify countries re-islamization, which is seen as very negative by half of the society, although another half is very happy about resurging religion. This means that in nowadays Turkey we see a deep fracture in the identity of the elites and society. The main object of this master thesis is the changes of Turkish political system looking through the security policy change prism. The problem is whether Turkey’s re-islamisation leads it to the loss of its so guarded specific democracy. The main target is to describe Turkey’s democratization and re-islamization process. The goals to accomplish the main target are these: • To present the Copenhagen security school’s securitization/desecuritization analytical model; • Analyse Turkish security structure using Copenhagen school theoretical analysis model investigating the referents, security actors, threats and their change because of Europeanization impact; • Describe the democratization process in Turkey; • Outline the religion reflection in international relations theory; • Describe current identity crisis in Turkey’s domestic policy, which was coused by emerging religion factor. The main hypothesis is to verify the relations between Europeanization, desecuritization, democratization and re-islamisation in Turkey. The hypothesis was verified stating that there are relations between Europeanization, which coused desecuritization and this led to the consolidation of democracy. The deepening democratization opened a niche for the resurgence of political Islam. The answer to main problem was actually not found. We can still not say whether the re-islamisation of Turkey means the loss of democracy, because the process is currently in action and the main happening – the closure/non-closure of the ruling AKP party will show where does this country go. The three scenarios are presented in the findings, which say that AKP party closure trial will impact the domestic and foreign policies of Turkey. According these scenarios, the best for Turkey would be that the AKP party wouldn’t have been closed and would proceed the democratic reforms further, leaving Islamic laws aside, this would open the country doors to their old dreamed target – the EU and Turkey would become a really specific liberal pro-islamic democracy with the Muslim majority in European Union.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014