Title Sutrikusios klausos vaikų intelektiniai gebėjimai /
Translation of Title Intellectual abilities of children with hearing impairment.
Authors Bumblauskaitė, Edita
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] In accordance with Gabnytė (1999), Lane, Hoffmeister, Bahan (1996), Sattler (2002), Ališauskas (1998) ir Marschark (1997) works, theories, examining intellectual abilities of children with hearing impairment, propose that children with hearing impairment fulfill worse intellectual abilities tests. However, some influencing facts must be considered: parents hearing, parent knowledge of sign language; children education until five years; children’s other disorders; investigators knowledge of sing language. Similarly it is proposed that analyzing language development of children with hearing impairment, it is necessary to take into account: the degree of hearing impairment; the age of hearing impairment founded; the course of hearing impairment (is it stable or progressing); other disorders; language comprehension; and cultural environment. Thus, many facts should be considered analyzing children with hearing impairment and facts limiting those investigations in Lithuania as well, because, there is no adapted methodology for children with hearing impairment, inconvenience with language barrier. Thus, the purpose of this investigation is to find out intellectual abilities of children with hearing impairment depending on gender, degree of hearing, parents hearing and the start the of language education using. Methods used: WISC-III nonverbal scale, Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices, reading exercise “Sentence – picture”. The study has shown that hearing children perform those tests better than children with hearing impairment; boys perform those tests better than girls; hearing impaired children perform those tests better than deaf ones; and children, whose parents had hearing impairment, are better at those tests than children who have hearing parents. Most difficult sentences were: 7, 20, 21, 25, 26, 31 and 34. Keywords: hearing impairment, intellectual abilities, nonverbal abilities tests; language development; WISC-III; Coloured Progressive Matrices.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014