Abstract [eng] |
The objective of the master’s thesis - to evaluate the nurses’ attitude towards the health care quality after the implementation of a quality management system. The object and methods of the study: The objective of the study is the health care service that is provided by the nurses. 162 nurses, working in Vilnius University hospital, and 30 nurses, working in the Medical Diagnostic Centre, participated in the survey. The survey took part in January – April of 2008. An original questionnaire that was composed by the author of this thesis was used in the study. “SPSS for Windows” 15 v. was used to analyze and interpret the results, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was used to determine the relationship between the criterions, the validity of the differences between groups was measured by the χ2 test, using the 95% probability of the confidence interval, which means that the data is considered confident when p <0,05. The principal results of the study: Almost all interviewed nurses know, that their health institution has an implemented quality management system and thinks about it positively. It is established that nurses know the policy and general regulations of the quality management system well enough. The nurses from both institutions are involved into the service improvement process. The satisfaction with the working conditions depends on the type of the hospital. The personnel of the Medical Diagnostic Centre (83 percent) is more satisfied (p<0,05, r=0,01). The knowledge of the official instructions and the patient rights does not depend on the type of the hospital. VUH and MDC nurses know them equally well. No statistically significant relationship was determined. The employees of the Medical Diagnostic Centre are more satisfied with their salary. The difference between institutions and the salary is statistically significant (p<0,000 and there is an indirect correlation relationship r=-0,47). A weak direct relationship (r=0,18) was found between the salary and the workload. Nurses that work in Vilnius University hospital have more opportunities to raise their qualification. In both institutions the expressed and implied needs of the patients are ascertained and teamwork is applied. In the opinion of the nurses, the health care service meets the patients’ expectations. The majority of the interviewed nurses have told that, the implementation of the quality management system, improves the quality of the provided service. The conclusions of the study: 1. Nurses’ knowledge about the quality management system is satisfactory. The research showed that about 90 percent of the interviewed nurses are familiar with the policy and goals of the QMS. Almost 80 percent of the nurses have told that they work according to the QMS procedures. 2. In the opinion of the majority of the nurses (64,4 percent VUH and 76,7 percent MDC) the quality of the health care service is satisfactory. 66 percent of the respondents think that the implementation of the QMS has improved the quality of the service. 3. Nurses’ knowledge about the quality management system does not depend on the type of the hospital and the way of the information delivery. The attitude of the both health institutions’ nurses towards the quality management system was positive. |