Title Sergančiųjų arterine hipertenzija psichoemocinės būklės įvertinimas /
Translation of Title Psychoemotional state evaluation of the patients with arterial hypertension.
Authors Ovzdej, Julija
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Pages 77
Abstract [eng] Supervisor – Ovzdej J. The final work for master degree of nursing – “Psychoemotional state Evaluation of the patients with arterial hypertension“ Adviser – Ph. D. Staigis Rimgaudas, Institute of Rehabilitation, Sport Medicine and Nurse of Vilnius University Medical faculty Consultant – Ph. D. Daubaras Gintautas, Head of Antakalnis Mental Health center Vilnius University, Medical faculty Institute of Rehabilitation, Sport Medicine and Nurse Mental health and mental health complaints are considered less important than physical health in many countries. Moreover, they are often ignored or just forgotten. Many patients of somatical health care institutions have mental disorders. Mental disorders are diagnosed to at least 23% of patients, who apply to doctors in primary health care institutions. The aim of the final work is to evaluate psychoemotional state of the patients with arterial hypertension. Aims of the paper: 1.To evaluate distress, depressive mood, anxiety and somatisation disorder rate among the patients with arterial hypertension. 2.To analyze the relationship between distress, depression, anxiety and somatisation symptoms. 3.To clear up if there is a relation between the incidence of psychosomatical disorders and duration of disease, hypertension degree and drugs consumption. 4.To find out how patients estimate their mental and physical health state and compare with our results. Hypothesis Psychoemotional health state of the patients with arterial hypertension is broken down, especially when arterial hypertension is poorly controlled and disease duration is long lasting. The object and method of the survey: The survey includes 182 patients with arterial hypertension from nephrology departments of Vilnius University Santariškių Klinikos and Vilnius city University hospital. Patients were questioned incidentally from 2007 – 09 – 07 to 2008 – 03 – 28 at VUL SK and VCUH using the Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ). Results: 1.Distress and somatisation were frequently obtained among the symptoms for the patients with AH. 61,6 % of the patients questioned suffered from distress, and 14,3% among them suffered from strong intensiveness stress. Significant part, or 47,3% of the patients with AH underwent stress of moderate intensiveness. 57,7% of the respondents complained of various physical health disorders. 46,2% patients had somatisation of moderate intensiveness, 11,5% suffered strong somatisation. Tend to depression between the respondents were rarer. 28,5% of the patients questioned had the symptoms of depression, 15,9% of them had bent to depression of moderate intensiveness, 12,6% had severe inclination for depression. Tend to anxiety was rare, just 6%, 1,6% of the respondents had severe bent to anxiety, for 4,4% this bent was moderate. 2.Psychological and somatic nature disorders are related, but correlate in a different scale. Distress is strongly related to depression, it means that distress stimulates development of depression. Distress and somatisation scales have poorer, but sufficiently significant correlation. Anxiety is not closely connected to distress and depression. Somatisation disorders influence the appearance of anxiety and depression. 3.Incidence of disorders with psychological and somatic nature does not depend on the length of disease and the level of AH, but depends on the consumption of drugs. Patients who use drugs from AH regularly and keep doctors recommendations had less mental health disorders. 4.Patients with arterial hypertension estimated their mental health objectively. Our survey results showed that the physical health of these patients was better than they thought. Conclusions: Psychoemotional health state of the patients with arterial hypertension is broken down, especially when arterial hypertension is badly controlled, but the duration of the disease does not have remarkable influence on psychoemotional state.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014