Title Prekės ženklo vertė vartotojui: tarpkultūrinis aspektas /
Translation of Title Consumer-Based brand equity: cross-cultural aspect.
Authors Bacevičiūtė, Rasa
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Pages 132
Abstract [eng] This master work examines consumer – based brand equity in cross – cultural aspect. Objective of master’s work is to execute theoretical studies of consumer – based brand equity in cross – cultural aspect and to check these studies empirically. The master work consist of three main parts. The first part of the master work includes theoretical analysis of a brand, consumer – based brand equity, the main factors of international branding and branding in different cultures, cultural differences and models of cultural dimensions. The second part of the master work includes theoretical approach of cross-cultural factors, which influence consumer - based brand equity and, according to empirical studies, conducted on consumer – based brand equity and cultural values, constructed theoretical brand value and culture chain based model. The third part of the master work consists of methodical rules and the empirical research, the purpose, task and the suggestions of the research; result analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data results; generalization of the research results, giving suggestions and recommendation. This master work presents theoretical and empirical researches results and recommendations. There are used 11 tables, 37 pictures and 5 additions in order to illustrate the theoretical and empirical results in master work. There are used 75 sources of scientific literature in Lithuanian and English in master work.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014