Title Jaunimo dalyvavimas įgyvendinant regioninę jaunimo politiką Lietuvoje /
Translation of Title Youth participation in the implementation of regional youth policy in lithuania.
Authors Keršys, Ramūnas
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Pages 87
Abstract [eng] Ramūnas Keršys (Master’s paper advisor Doc. Jolita Kašalynienė). Youth participation in bringing out youth's politics. Master paper. V.: VU Department of Social Work, 2009, 87 p. SUMMARY YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN BRINGING OUT REGIONAL YOUTH'S POLITICS Regional youth politics' formation and accomplishing is attached to institutions of local administration. Local administration's youth politics' efficiency and quality depends on dialogue's assurance between institutions of local administration and young people, when discussing general questions that are related to youth. The quality of youth politics' bringing out process is based in youth politics foundation's statutes which strengthen in parity, subsidiary, interdepartmental coordination, participation, information, self-government, voluntariness, communication and collaboration principles. Investigation problem - non effective youth politics' formation and bringing out system's adaptation in local administrations, when ensuring youth's participation in the process of making decisions in today's problems. The main purpose in this master: find out local administration politic's formation and bringing out system's functionation when drawing in young people into the process of making decisions in today's problems. Investigation object - youth's participation while bringing out regional youth's politics. The investigation included 32 local administration's systems, which form and bring out youth's politics. During the investigation youth politics' principles were analyzed in local administrations, youth local administrations' council activity matter's productivity, youth matter coordination and youth's local administration council matter member opinions about youth's participation in settled things. The main investigation's method - completing a questionnaire. Data was organized in descriptive statistic's method. While trying to attain a bigger objectivity, data was analyzed in distributing local administration by their size, primary sources were checked. When investigation was finished, it was clear, that hypothesis is right, that local administration's youth's politic's system doesn't ensure active youth's participation in making decisions about general problems, that involve the young ones. As established, that that predetermines many factors: too narrow legal local administration's youth's matters' council's formation reglamentation, youth's participation's restriction in legal bases, weak youth's organization potential in local administrations and also their representational power, lack of youth's politics' system information, youth's migration, lack of motivation and competition to participate, regional youth's organization council's absence or in activance and other. As established, that youth's participation's activity is based on young man's self motivation. It is orientated more into recognition, self competition acquisition, becoming stronger in social surroundings than youth's interest's representation. As shown by investigation, local administration's institutions don't evaluate these aspects as much as needed. These insights let evaluate more effective and plan jobs to make youth's politics' system better, so youth could participate even more.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014