Title Sergančiųjų reumatoidiniu artritu gyvenimo kokybė /
Translation of Title The study of life quality of ra (rheumatoid arthritis) patients.
Authors Zubavičienė, Dalia
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Pages 76
Abstract [eng] The aim of the research: to examine the impact of Quality of Life (QoL) of patients with RA after Arthritis Self – Management program. There where 72 persons of participants with RA: 58 women & 14 men. Their mean age was: 60,03 and 64,28 years. The first group (24 participants) attended Arthritis Self – Management program; the second group of 24 RA patients had treatment at hospital, and the third group of 24 respondents were without impact. In the analysis were used methodics: demographic questionnaire and Questionnaire SF-36 for Quality of Life. First the participants were asked to complete the questionnaires before research. The second stage took place after six months: the participants completed Questionnaire SF-36. Conclusions: the moust of changes after six months where in scores by participants after Arthritis Self – Management program. The scores of physycal function; role-physical; general health; vitality; social function; role-emotion and mental health were highiest by participants of Arthritis Self – Management program. Bodily pain was moust decreased by attenders of Arthritis Self – Management program. It is obvious that participating Arthritis Self – Management program increase controle of RA symptoms and affects health - related physical, psychological and social spheres.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014