Title Sutrikusio vystymosi centro vaikai: psichosocialinio funkcionavimo ypatumai /
Translation of Title Children from center for impaired development: features of psychosocial functioning.
Authors Krinickaja, Ana
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Pages 62
Abstract [eng] Theme: Children from Center for Impaired Development: Features of Psychosocial Functioning Children are the most important and most vulnerable part of the society. As quite a number of children find themselves at children’s homes, these institutions provide versatile conditions for development from birth specialist teams working here, nevertheless, the development of children growing in custodial institutions differ. Therefore it is important to analyze the peculiarities of psychosocial functioning of these children. The personality develops in the society in which he grows so it is very important to create proper conditions for safe mental and physical development of the child from every aspect since the very childhood. The study deals with the abilities and difficulties of children from babies’ homes depending on age, sex, clinical diagnosis, visits of parents and family situation. An attempt was made to analyze the children’s sociability, emotional symptoms, problems of behaviour, hyperactivity and problems of relations with other children of the same age. The aim of the project is to study the peculiarities of psychosocial functioning of children from Vilnius County Impaired Development Babies’ Home with the help of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire. Methods of study: Lithuanian SDQ – the parents’ version - and document analysis. The study involved 35 children from Vilnius County Impaired Development Babies’ Home and 4 teachers who filled in the questionnaire for 35 children. The generalization of the surveyed material allows stating that - children with specific mixed impairments rather than impairments of other origin have significantly more problems of sociability and behaviour; - children visited by parents almost have no problems of behaviour; - sociability and emotions are better among older children (from 4 years of age); - hyperactive children are the children who are not visited by any close people. According to the study they have problems of behaviour that can be corrected with difficulty. In case of developing the theme of the project it would be useful to compare the impaired children from babies’ home with the children from families.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014