Abstract [eng] |
The Image of Jews in Lithuanian Internet Media and Comments This study analyses the image of Jews in Lithuanian Internet. The distinction is made between two spaces of internet – media and public discussion sites. These spaces have different rules and confines of image formation. Sustentation of discriminating stereotypes is usually latent in media, controled with help of anti-discrimination laws. Though it is present through certain representations. Whereas intolerance is much more varied and open in public discussions. Therefore the determination of the relations between internet media and public discussion content is complex. The aim of this study is to reveal the considered relations in case of the Image of Jews. The Image is explored by analytically separating its content and structure. The structure of an image consists of stereotypes. The clusters of stereotypes appear in certain topics, composing the structure of an image. The data analysed in the study includes visual and textual (Lithuanian) contents of blogs, public discusion forums, Internet media and media comments, years 2005 – 2008. The quantitative content analysis was used to highlight the clusters of stereotypes, sustained in internet media and public discussion comments, and topics in which the stereotypes appear. The clusters of stereotypes and topics are compared in order to reveal the relations between the contents of Internet media ant comments. The findings show that the stereotypes, sustained in Internet media are transformed into related stereotypes in discussion comments. The structure and contents of the image of Jews in comments are not in direct ratio to the commented media contents. However, the stereotypes, sustained in discussion comments are grounded referring to the stereotypes, sustained in media, and their interpretations. The Image of Jews is constructed in Internet media by amplifying the perceived antagonism between Jews and Lithuania and other countries. The relations between Jews and Lithuanians are represented as problematic, especially in historical, discrimination and restitution issues. In these topics the Jews are perceived as active provokers of problems. In discussion comments such perceptions are transformed to perceptions of disfavor on Jews. Thus, the Image of Jews is modeled by perception of Jews as the opposite Others. Therefore the stereotypes attributed to Jews are construed in relation with Lithuanians. |