Abstract [eng] |
Organizational psychologists pay more and more attention to person – work environment fit and there are more and more studies proving positive value of this fit to individual and organizational outcomes. However, this is the lack of research about some of the fit types and the findings about their relationships with other types of fit or outcomes are spare and in some cases inconsistent. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between person - vocation and person - organization fit and their association with employee‘s job satisfaction and intentions to leave the organization. In this research we used methods: Vocational interests questionnaire (LPIK); Organizational culture profile (OCP); Minesota satisfaction questionnaire; the questionnaire drawn up by the author of this paper to evaluate employees‘ intentions to leave the organization. 147 employees from four different types of organizations took part in this research. By gender there were 78 man and 69 women. The average age of participants was 31,8 years. The relation between person – vocation and person organization fit was not established in this study. Our work disclosed that it is very important for individual and organization, person to find the right vocation and also to find the right organization. Results show, that person - vocation and person – organization fit were both positive related with employee’s job satisfaction. Moreover, person - organization fit was negative associated with employee’s intentions to leave the organization. The relationship between person – vocation fit and employee’s intention to leave the organization was not established. Our study suggests, that the more vocational interests of the person fits his vocation, the more is he satisfied with his job. And similarly the more persons values fit values of the organization, in which he works, the more is he satisfied with his job and has lower intentions to quit. The hypothesis, that person – organization fit predicts job satisfaction and intentions to leave better than person – vocation fit, was confirmed. The more detailed analyze of this relationships disclosed, that job satisfaction mediate the relationship between person - organization fit and employee’s intentions to leave the organization. This revealed, that relationships between different types of fit is more complex than just a simple direct relationships. Our study together with other studies of this field is the stimulus to concern about person - vocation and person - organization fit and their evaluation at organizational work process and personal selection, which is still focused more on KSA based person - job fit. The revealed importance of both types of fit and limitations of this study suggest the need of future research in this topic. |