Title Organizacinis teisingumas darbo atlikimo vertinime ir jo sąsajos su nuostatomis darbo atžvilgiu /
Translation of Title Organizational justice in performance appraisal and it's relationship with work related attitudes.
Authors Gaubas, Paulius
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] While exploring organizational justice phenomenon, we limited our scope to specific area of work relationship and decision making – performance evaluation. We used past research notion from literature that performance appraisal (PA) fairness is related to PA system effectiveness and various organizational outcomes such as work attitudes. The main part our attention was focused on the relationship of PA process variables and PA fairness. We explored relationship of PA fairness and two work related attitudes – job satisfaction and intention to turnover. We distributed our questionnaire to 117 employed Lithuanian persons, whose performance appraisal is evaluated and discussed with manager at least once a year. 88 percent of subjects were woman, mostly with university degree. In our research we were looking for the answer, which PA process variables (PA system, PA session, non-session) are related to PA fairness. Results indicated, that majority of variables (11 out of 13) were significantly correlated with PA fairness (correlation ranging from 0.33 to 0.76). System complexity and multiple inputs of management in PA items were not correlated with PA fairness. This data is opposite to (Giles et al., 1997) findings for US sample. PA fairness can be predicted by 3 variables, accounting for 77% variance. These variables are session participation, session unpleasantness and performance-rating linkage. Firs two items we prescribed interactional justice emanating from manager, and the performance-rating linkage we prescribed to distributive justice emanating from manager. Taking into account results correlation and regression analysis, we suggest that the best fit of our data is to justice source theory. The main idea of this theory is, that justice perceptions are dependent on the source of justice – either manager, or organization. As we noted, that PA fairness in PA literature is treated as one of the main sources of PA system effectiveness, PA fairness relationship with job satisfaction and intention to turnover was explored. Our findings suggests, that PA fairness is important variable of organizational effectiveness, because it influences job satisfaction (R² = 0.34) and intention to turnover (R² = 0.23) attitudes. Unexpectedly we found relatively strong correlations between job satisfaction and intention to turnover (-0.71). Job satisfaction is accounted for 49 % of variance in intention to turnover. Also we found positive relationship between employ age and PA fairness (r = 0.27). Main limitations of rhe research are – relatively small sample size, and a quite big sex disproportion.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014