Title Statybų teisėtumas kaip nuosavybės teisės į statinį įgijimo sąlyga. Jos nesilaikymo civiliniai teisiniai padariniai /
Translation of Title Lawfulness of a construction as a precondition for acquiring property rights to the building, civil legal consequences of its breach.
Authors Kulikauskis, Marius
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] Summary Lawfulness of a Construction as a Precondition for Acquiring Property Rights to the Building, Civil Legal Consequences of its Breach Construction law regulate the public relations field merge public and private interests. Therefore, they can not be considered as falling into one of the right branch of the regulatory range. It necessary to both the public law and private law in the analysis. Construction process consists of many steps that are performed one after the other. For arising property law are very important moment, when the opportunity to note that the construction work using the construction products is designed building (albeit incomplete). When come the possibility of building legal registration in the Real Property Register it means that owner get ownership. However, at this stage owner may use only one of property rights – the right of management. Building registration in the Real Property Register, gives to the owner the right to dispose it. Recognition of the proper use of the building and registration in the Real Property Register allows to use all property rights (manage, use, dispose of). Ownership can be acquired only if the construction process is a legitimate. Persons involved in the construction process has to ensure the legitimacy. When the construction process is illegal, can not be acquired property rights. The court may decide to transform the building, or demolish it. Due to the illegal construction process resulting looses has to be paid under the non-contractual liability rules.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014