Title Vartotojų impulsyvaus pirkimo ypatumai ekonomikos nuosmukio laikotarpiu /
Translation of Title The peculiarities of impulsive consumer buying in economic downturn.
Authors Adamonytė, Dovilė
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Pages 102
Abstract [eng] Impulsive buying is one of the most complicated fields of consumer behavior. The analysis of the scientific literature has showed that the impulsive buying is often identified with other kinds of unplanned buying, as well as compulsive and excessive purchasing types, which can be depicted in a continuum with impulsive buying on its one end and the irresistible habit or compulsive purchasing on the other one. In conclusion, the impulsive consumer buying behavior is becoming an important object of the marketing research. On the other hand, it should be noted that this field is lacking in purposefulness and integrity when aiming to identify the factors that influence the impulsive buying. The object of the paper is factors which influence the impulsive consumer buying. Paper tasks are: 1. To reveal the conceptual nature of consumer behaviour; 2. To analyze the concept of the theory of impulsive buying behaviour; 3. To identify and summarize the factors that influence the impulsive consumer buying in economic downturn; 4. Create a theoretical model of impulsive consumer buying; 5. To analyze the impact of economic downturn to impulsive buying; 6. With reference to methodological approaches, accomplish an empirical study of impulsive consumer’s buying in economic downturn and summarize the results; 7. Empirically verify the created model of impulsive consumer buying. The final work for Master consists of three parts. In the first part, the conceptual nature is revealed of consumer behaviour and the concept of impulsive buying in behaviour theory of consumer is analyzed. This part also identifies factors that influence the impulsive buying. The second part presents and analyzes the theoretical model of impulsive buying of consumer behaviour in economic downturn and discusses the influence of economic downturn. The same part of the paper presented methodology for theoretical model of research of impulsive consumer’s buying. The third part consists of analysis of results of empirical studies and testing the model of theoretical impulsive buying of consumer in economic downturn. The final work for Master consists of 87 pages, 24 tables, 28 images and 4 appendices.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014