Title Varėnos rajono, Daržininkų kaimo apylinkių makrodrugių (Macrolepidoptera) tyrimai /
Translation of Title Investigations of moths and butterflies (macrolepidoptera) of daržininkai village surroundings in varėna district.
Authors Paukštė, Povilas
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Abstract [eng] There were totally 580 species and 27079 individuals of macrolepidoptera caught in Varėna district, Daržininkai surroundings (Southern Lithuania), during the research that took part in 1999 - 2008. The collected material consists of 78 butterfly and 480 moth species, which belong to 16 different families The rezults revealed, that 62,4 % of Lithuanian Buterfly species and 57,1 % moth species lives in the research area. 7 different localities were chosen for butterfly research using transect counts. The results showed, that all these localities are similar or very similar in composition of butterfly species and diversity and they can be joined into 2 main groups. The most common butterfly species in the investigation area were: Pieris napi L., Lycaena virgaureae L., Coenonympha glycerion Brkh., Aphantopus hyperanthus L., and the dominant moth species were: Chiasmia clathrata L., Macaria liturata L., Timandra comae A.Schmidt, Xanthorhoe spadicearia Den. et Schiff., Pennithera firmata Hb., Protodeltote pygarga Hfn., Lymantria monacha L., and Pseudeustrotia candidula Den. et Schiff. All dominant species are common and widespread in Lithuania with an exeption of Pennithera firmata Hb., which is recognized as rare. This work also decribes seasonal and night time flying dynamics of moths, with additional attention for dominant species. There were registered 152 rare and 12 very rare Macrolepidoptera species, and one new for the Lithuanian fauna – Proxenus lepigone Moschler. 7 protected species were found during the research period, which are included in Red Data Book of Lithuania: Erynnis tages L., Papilio machaon L., Parnasius mnemosyne L., Lycaena dispar Haworth, Maculinea arion L., Aricia eumedon Esp., Tyria jacobaea L. Parnasius mnemosyne L., Lycaena dispar Haworth and Maculinea arion L. - are protected according to the Habitat directive.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014