Abstract [eng] |
An object of the work – “green” investment scheme. The aim of the work - to research the potentialities of implementation of “green” investment scheme in Lithuania. Tasks of the work: on the basis of scientific literature analysis to specify the concept of the “green” investment scheme; to consider the foreign experience in developing GIS; based on data, supplied by the Ministry of the Environment, to create the model of opportunities for implementation GIS in Lithuania; to execute the assessment of empirical study model of GIS Implementation opportunities in Lithuania and to identify the key opportunities and barriers of GIS implementation in Lithuania. “Green” investment scheme is a new financial mechanism, by which the income from sale of the assigned amount units is being further invested in a greenhouse gas reduction. Executing experts survey, identified that dedicating 80 percent for “hard” and 20 percent for “soft greening” projects is the most appropriate variant in Lithuania. In Lithuania is a lot of unused energy efficiency and renewable resource development opportunities and a strong GIS side is already operating legal framework and institutional framework of Lithuania. The study showed that too little human resources is being used for GIS design, development and management and LEIF is weak of human capacity and competence. It was found that Lithuania will be able to sell only a part, but not all AAU surplus. Since Lithuania has the opportunities to implement GIS, it can successfully participate in international climate change capitalist game using this new financing mechanism, through which could obtain to 1 billion litas and encourage the investment into the innovative technologies and accelerate transition to "green" economy. Work consists of an introduction, 3 parts, conclusions. The main material described in 79 pages, including 16 tables, 33 pictures. There are also presented 8 annexes. Bibliography includes 57 sources. |