Title Garso ir vaizdo dokumentinio paveldo apsauga /
Translation of Title Protection of sound and moving image documental heritage.
Authors Markauskas, Juozas
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Pages 57
Abstract [eng] The object of the master’s work – protection of sound and moving image institutional aspect, from the organisational point of view. The goal of this paper is to determine common characteristics of audiovisual heritage and to examine the organizational and institutional aspect of its protection, in such a way motivating the importance for the necessity of long-term preservation strategy of Lithuanian audiovisual heritage. The main tasks of research are: to determine and analyze the values of audiovisual heritage and reasons for its preservation; to find out its relation with the communication process and communication science; to investigate the role of an audiovisual archive in the context of libraries, museums and traditional archives; to determinate the relation between traditional Lithuanian archival system and sound and moving image documental heritage; to explore the organizational aspect of preservation. Sound and moving image documental heritage should be recognized as part of our cultural heritage and as the most characteristic heritage of the 20th century. It is important to realize that we can’t simply adopt the knowledge accumulated by museums, archives or libraries in the field of preservation, but we have to develop new solutions, suitable for audiovisual material preservation. The common values for sound and moving image documental heritage are cultural, scientific, artistic, historical and other values, which stresses quality and meaning aspects of said heritage. Nowadays the most relevant are cultural and social value. Audiovisual heritage also became a new form of communication among humanity. In context of communication television, radio and cinema are information transmission channels and audiovisual recordings are medias. These all are the components of whole communication process. According to Lithuanian science tradition – the topics concerned in audiovisual archiving and protection of audiovisual heritage should be integrated with communication and information science. A very common attitude when audiovisual archive is considered only as a part of bigger institution (library, traditional archive or museum) could be appreciated as a threat for preservation of moving image and sound documents because institutions collection management practice is based on work methods typical to the root institution. Differences between audiovisual and other collections let us separate audiovisual archive as an individual organization, but similarities that also exist, put audiovisual archive in the same row and the same level where other memory institutions are when talking about their evaluation. Lithuanian State Central Archive has moving image and sound document division and a big part of national sound and moving image documental heritage is kept here. All state archives function according to Law on Documents and Archives that is based on widely spread provenance concept. It cant provide a complete level of preservation of audiovisual documents because there are some discrepancies concerned to the last-mentioned and traditional documents in the following main areas: document acquiring, cataloging, description and search. As the sound and moving image documental heritage is relevant for the private and public sector equally – the joint initiatives of preservation should be considered. This is one of the best ways to merge all available human, material and knowledge resources, expecting the best results.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014