Abstract [eng] |
SUMMARY ANALYSIS of PLUM POX VIRUS P3-6K1 GENOMIC REGION SEQENCES in UKRAINIAN and LITHUANIAN ISOLATES Plum pox virus (PPV) is a member of genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae and is the causal agent of the devastating stone fruit disease “sharka”. During the last centuary the virus became widespread in the world causing serious economical impact in number of countries. PPV spreads in nonperistent manner by aphis, with infected plant propagating material and with vegetative stone fruit propagation when source of grafts is infected with PPV. 2007 yer study conducted in Lithuania and Ukraine detected PPV in eight samples, in four of them PPV - D plum pox virus strain was determind (Norkus, etc., 2008). Recently, the more data on PPV virus 5‘ end sequences, and P3 – 6K1 region is apiering (its influence on the course PPV infection, hosts, spreading nature) (Saenz, etc., 2000; Glasa, etc., 2002), and it seems logical to to collect more data of P3 – 6K1 genomic region in Lithuanian and Ukraine isolates. The purpose of this work was to analyse Lithuanian and Ukraine PPV isolates P3 – 6K1 genomic region sequences comparing them with each other and with other PPV isolates sequences, available in databases. The obtained results comfirm successful 836 bp P3 – 6K1 PPV virus genomic region amplification. Acording this reagion all tested isolates is dependent to PPV - D strain (similaritry with PPV - D strain isolates seqences available in databases at 95 - 98 percentage). The Litthuanian PPV isolates sequences similarity with western European isolates seqences, and Ukrainian with eastern and western European isolates seqences suggests that the virus spead to Lithuania and Ukraine with infected plant propagating material was contained in two different ways from east and west European countries. |