Title Stuburo išvaržos audinio autofluorescencijos tyrimai /
Translation of Title Investigation of spinal hernia tissue autofluorescence spectrum.
Authors Varanius, Darius
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Pages 59
Abstract [eng] The analysis of material of clinical state was made inducing the autofluorescence using the third harmonic 355 nm. laser radiation generator. Experimental material was taken during open vertebral hernia removal procedure. Accordingly to intraoperative findings, all the samples were divided into three groups: D group- disc specimen gathered from inside the disc space; P group- herniation removed from subligamentous space; S group- free sequester in direct contact with epidural vessels. For the final assessment 29 disc specimens were collected. Stained disc sections were evaluated also histologicaly. The results indicate that auto fluorescence refers to different substances constituting intervertebral disc. Spectral analysis can be used to determine biochemical changes content of intervertebral disc matrix, and signs of disc degeneration can be identified indirectly. According to the spectral gaussian components in spectra, degeneration in intervertebral disc (P group) may be determined indirectly. Moreover, spectroscopy may be a new very sensitive tool in determining intervertebral disc degeneration where other non-invasive methods are helpful. Spectroscopic analysis of intervertebral disc removed during open surgery, creates background for further investigation on degenerating intervertebral disc spectral features and biochemical changes.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014