Title Istorinis aspektas korporatyviniame pasakojime /
Translation of Title The historical aspect in corporate storytelling.
Authors Šileika, Tomas
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Pages 99
Abstract [eng] The purpose of this work is to determine how and to what extent historical discourse are reflected in corporate storytelling. The approach takes the form of systematic reading by traditional frameworks and principles of narratives. From extensive reading of the historical discourse, recurrent formal features and elements of thematic content which together define the genre of corporate history, have been identified. Good corporate communication is the assumption of a good corporate storytelling. This story appears in two ways - from narratives or history. Such a definition provides competence in the reading of historical narratives of organizations and raises questions regarding the role of history in organizational identity, memory and communication. Many different stories were told about organizations to illustrate an idea or concept of a historical discourse. There was a mixture of negative and positive stories that are the sum of the personalities, cultures and images. The emphasis of the values that the stories revealed determined the more important cultural beliefs. This does have an influence on the firm's identity, corporate brand and reputation. This research has shown that stories reflect the elements of abilities, activities and accomplishment. Storytelling is an important form of organisational communication. It is an important source of information for management and in some cases about management. It is also a tool that can be used by management to communicate the mission, values and strategic intent of the firm. Organizations must understand the strategic vision and values of the corporate communication and this can be done at „storytelling“.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014