Title Vilniaus mokslo bičiulių draugijos įnašas į Vilniaus ir Vilniaus krašto kultūros paminklų išsaugojimą /
Translation of Title Contribution of vilnius society of science fellows to cultural heritage monuments conservation in vilnius and in vilnius region.
Authors Pavlova, Barbara
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Pages 68
Abstract [eng] First steps of the heritage preservation in Lithuania are penetrated in 19th century. Greater interest in cultural heritage, its comprehension and preservation among eggheads it is noticed namely then. So, the system of heritage preservation is comparably a young sphere, which momentarily day-after-day infiltrates into a social life and becomes integrant. Cultural heritage preservation topicalities are more frequently examined presently by the mass media. Unfortunately, not enough attention is paid to fountainhead of the cultural heritage, as well as to pathfinders-romanticists who worked in this field fascinated by Vilnius region cultural heritage and envisaged its historical, ethnic and ideological significance. Science Society of Lithuania (further – SSL) and Vilnius science mates’ union (VSMU) in the field of heritage preservation have commanded notably. Societies were established in 1907 and functioned in parallel during the whole inter-war period. Goals and activity fields of both societies were alike. Members of both societies actively and enthusiastically attempted to retain the cultural heritage of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL). And only at the beginning of 20th century when Lithuania under influence of political situation was divided into two camps, an artificial contrariety aroused between them, as is known from the correspondence of the societies. Works of SSL attained more attention of the Lithuania’s historiography than works of VSMU. Documents, activity reports which are secured in State historical archives of Lithuania provide a lot of information about SSL. Iconography gathered by VSMU and used by latter-day professionals is very precious. VSMU activity protecting art heritage is described in Laima Laučkaitė’s monograph. The circumstances of Union museum’s foundation and destiny of the West Europe paintings’ collection were investigated by Jolanta Širkaitė. Information about excavation, restoration and preservation works of Vilnius upper castle and Trakai Island and the Peninsula castles can be found in Napoleonas Kitkauskas and Stasys Mikulionis monographs. VSMU was established and guided by Alfonsas Parčevskis, Dr. Vladislavas Zahorskis, Jonas Kurčevskis. According the sustained regulations, the Union’s activity may be divided into 2 periods: 1907-1921 and 1922-1941. From the starting point VSMU particularly took care of the preservation of main GDL heritage objects – the Vilnius upper and Trakai Island and the Peninsula castles. It was the initial VSMU goals of greater significance and extent, realization of them stretched through the whole Union’s existence, and at the end of 20th century attained flashpoint. Research and preservation works of the castles of Trakai were highly appreciated by posterior heritage preservation experts (Stasys Mikulionis, Jonas Glemža). VSMU works on this object allowed the later investigators to rebuild the lost beauty of Trakai Island and the Peninsula castles, while the culture workers adjusted them to the museum, educational and tourist use. The date of Vilnius upper castle buildings’ construction was identified during the exploration of the object by VSMU. Archeological excavations of E. and V. Holubovič were the first bulk jobs on the Castle hill. The findings provided information about the habitants‘ living conditions, the origin of the first wooden buildings, and helped to identify the evolution periods of the castle. The short analysis of VSMU activities and nowadays conception highlights the same problem – the instability of the Castle hill flank‘s ground. It is VSMU merit that we can admire and boast of GDL Trakai and Vilnius cities defensive architecture. Exactly these GDT heritage objects introduce our country to the world and attract our guests by their Gothic shape.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014