Title Politinės ideologinės vertybės ir jų komunikavimas: 2011 m. Lietuvos savivaldybių rinkimų atvejis /
Translation of Title Political ideological values and their communication: 2011 lithuanian local government elections case.
Authors Dakinevičius, Arvydas
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Pages 73
Abstract [eng] The traditional political ideologies, values reveals the diversity of values in western societies are described in the theoretical part. Values of pluralism of opinion and led to the emergence of political ideologies and the democratic institutions allowed for movements to the public and policy development in the light of values of ideology. Social movements, public order, was to legitimize the organization, which is known as the Democratic Party politics. Political parties were built upon ideological values, and thus often reflect the name of the party and party ideology. Liberalism, conservatism and socialism, the identity of the names are often absorbed a number of parties in democratic countries. However, the name of assimilation does not always mean that a certain party is represented by the title referred to an ideology. It happens to lots of new parties and new democracies, where the new democratic institutions lack the experience and knowledge. After restoration of independence, Lithuania has taken over the party resulting from the classical Western political ideologies in the name. Lithuania's two largest political parties represent opposing forces. Conservative Party of Lithuania (now Homeland Union) represents the right-minded citizens, and declares the conservatism inherent values (tradition, family manners). The Social Democrats party is a left-wing that declares the traditional socialist ideas (work, equality, small business support). Liberals themselves as parties in Lithuania is quite significant. And it is not entirely clear which party represents the true liberal ideas. The party institute itself supports the link between society and government in the democratic regimes. It also means lots of competition in the fight for power positions. Therefore, parties are important institute in the state management. In theory, this should be the role of parties. This system is representative of the Western democracies. The role of the public are also important because it provides a representation of the role of political parties to address public concerns. This way the party role is legitimized. And the Democratic Party undertakes to represent the will of the people. Thus, parties are important because of their powers. But as ever, the party is as changing as the role of communication with members of the public. Among the parties and the modern society is an emerging gap. Political representation is decreasing, while influencing and public confidence in government institutions. Especially parties. Public is apolitical and that pose additional problems for the consolidation of democracy or stability. Public indifference allows easy establishment of new parties, which are based not on ideological grounds, but the present social, economic and political issues. New party making their way into power by populist. Populism is a growing threat to the stability of democratic regimes. Thus, party positions to the public not to forget the public. The source of their legitimacy. And intense communication, which ensures the stability of the political state.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014