Abstract [eng] |
DYRAITE, Saule. (2011) Formation of the Capital Structure in Lithuanian Manufacturing Companies. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 68 p. SUMMARY KEYWORDS: capital structure, financial leverage, capital structure formation theories. Various theories of capital structure formation identify a range of factors affecting the capital structure decision - making. Often various theories identifies similar factors, but often a different theory provides different factor influence on the capital structure formation decision – making. To this day, economists do not have a single view of existing theories which best reflects the current behavior of firms. The research object - capital structure in Lithuanian manufacturing companies. The research purpose is to determine capital structure trends of Lithuanian manufacturing companies and to determine if capital structure formation decision - making reflects the ideas of capital structure formation theories. The objectives of the research are: 1. In order to formulate the capital structure conception, that reflects the opinion of a various authors, review the various concepts of capital structure. 2. In order to determine how approach of capital structure formatting was changing, review the evolution of main theories of capital structure formation and to determine the main ideas of capital structure formation theories. 3. In order to mark the research way of this work, review Lithuanian and foreign authors performed researches. 4. To investigate the change trends of capital structure formation in Lithuanian manufacturing companies, in order to determine the changes in capital structure formation. 5. In order to determine if capital structure formation decision - making reflects the ideas of capital structure formation theories, determine the factors that make the influence on the capital structure decision – making. The researches of factors influence on the capital structure decision – making confirmed the hypothesis that capital structure formation decision - making reflects the ideas of capital structure formation theories. Master final work consists of 68 pages, 13 tables, 5 pictures and 43 literature sources. |