Abstract [eng] |
The goal of the survey: To assess the lifestyle and dietary habits of students of Vilnius University. The tasks of the survey: 1. To assess the day regimen and physical activity of students of Vilnius University. 2. To assess addictions of students of Vilnius University. 3. To assess the dietary regimen of students of Vilnius University. 4. To assess the actual dietary habits of students of Vilnius University. 5. To assess the peculiarities of using food additives by students of Vilnius University. The population of the survey: Students of Vilnius University involved in study branches of Biomedicine, Exact Sciences, Social Sciences and Arts. Students of the said branches were interviewed at eleven faculties of Vilnius University. The sample under the survey included 702 students of Vilnius University - 400 females and 302 males. The methods of the survey: • Theoretical review • Interviewing under a questionnaire • Exploration of the actual dietary habits. The interviewing under a questionnaire was carried out in April - May 2010 using the questionnaire developed for this purpose. The questionnaire included two parts. The first part was used for assessing the peculiarities of the lifestyle of the respondents. In the second part of the questionnaire, the data on actual dietary habits of students were collected. The analysis of the statistical data was carried out using the version 17 of the software package SPSS for Windows and Microsoft Office Excel 2007. The actual dietary habits were examined by 24-hour survey fixing the time of eating as well as the assortment and the quantity of products, dishes and beverages consumed. The analysis of the chemical composition of the food was carried out using the tables of chemical composition of food stuffs; the results were compared to the recommended daily norms of nutritional substances and energy. The results of the survey: 55.4 percent of female students and 55.0 percent of male student are involved in stirring physical activities for one or two hours per day. Students being more active in physical aspect spend more time outdoors ( p<0,05). 29.2 percent of respondents smoke. 30.5 percent of respondents use strong drinks once or twice a week. 83.8 percent of respondents do not observe any dietary regimen. The average daily energy obtained by respondents with food was 1471.61 kcal for females and 1832.07 kcal for males. The share of energetic value of the key nutritional substances in the daily diet was following: proteins – 16.42 percent for females and 16.56 percent for males, fats – 34.56 percent for females and 35.99 percent for males, hydrocarbons – 49.70 for females and 47.19 percent for males. The share of energetic value provided by mono- and disaccharides in the daily diet was following: 13.35 percent for females and 10.6 percent for males. Excess consumption of Na, P, K, vitamin B6 takes place. Insufficient consumption of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, vitamins A, C, D, B1, B2, B12, PP, E, folic acid is observed. 38.8 percent of respondents use food additives, including 40.0 percent of females and 23.0 percent of males. |