Title Lietuvos gruntų užterštumo pesticidais mastų vertinimas, remiantis buvusių pesticidų sandėlių grunto tyrimų analize /
Translation of Title Impact evaluation of lithuania‘s soil contamination with pesticides, based on analysis of previous storages of pesticides in soil.
Authors Kalpokaitė, Raimonda
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Abstract [eng] Unused old pesticides have been stored for many years, causing the safe storage and the contamination problem in territory around the warehouses. These stores found in Lithuania near lakes or rivers in the former collective farms in areas sensitive to environmental pollution in terms of locations. So this place could be potential sources of pollution, threatening the environment and human health. This work analyses twenty former pesticide storages areas eco-geological studies. More than half of them, i.e., in thirteen of them contamination by pesticides is recorded. What really confirms that more than half of pesticide warehouses and storage areas in Lithuania are pollution sources that need to be cleaned. The most common pesticides fixed above the statutory levels: DDT, HCH. Other studies indicate that these pesticides are also most prevalent in the former collective farm pesticide storage areas. They also recorded as ones of the most soil polluting pesticides all over the world, Lithuania – no exceptions. Huge territory of contamination is a cause for serious thinking about the ecological threat to the environment, which does not go away by its own, this requires local authorities action plan.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013