Title Vidaus marketingas: komandų formavimas ir motyvacija /
Translation of Title Internal marketing: team building and motivation.
Authors Šunokienė, Rita
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Pages 79
Abstract [eng] One of the main aspects that influence success of a company today is team work in a context of internal marketing. A good team covers elements of cooperation and competition. Members of such team help each other to achieve the best personal results. Most often members each of a team have their roles and each of the roles is very important to the teamwork. This Master paper firstly analyses theoretical aspects of internal marketing that cover conception of theoretical marketing, it’s aspects, diverse concepts and the role that service providers and consumers perform. In addition, internal marketing system, factors that influence it and principles that support it are presented in this paper. While formulating internal marketing process, opinions and theories of many authors have been considered. Finally, goals and participants of internal marketing are discussed and described, for they are the main implementing force of internal marketing. In the process of analysing constitution of internal marketing, paper introduces the main element of internal marketing, which is team work that is supported by motivation. This part of the paper analyses formation, principles and consistency of team work, as well as discussing roles within a team and actions common to those roles. A big attention is paid to team’s motivation, classification of motivation tools, principles and principle motivation scheme. After a profound analysis of theoretical decisions of teamwork and team motivation, their particularities and principles the paper presents a practical analysis of the issues. For this purpose Seesam Lietuva Ltd. insurance company was chosen and singularities of teamwork within this company were analysed. The research was done by polling opinions of administration members of the company as well as other employees. The conclusions of such research concluded objective possibilities of fulfilling principles of teamwork. Goal of the paper is to analyse theoretical aspects of internal marketing through effective teamwork organization and motivation tools. Apply these theoretical principles in Seesam Lietuva Ltd. insurance company and provide recommendations on making teamwork more effective. To achieve the above goal, the following tasks were formed: 1. provide conception of internal marketing; 2. analyse stages of internal marketing and their goals; 3. present goals and participants of internal marketing, their purpose and influence; 4. analyse theoretical solutions of team formation and motivation; 5. define the importance and problems of teamwork; 6. survey and summarise opinions of Seesam Lietuva Ltd. heads of branches and of regular staff on teamwork organization within this company; 7. following the conclusions of the research, prepare recommendations for Seesam Lietuva Ltd. how to improve teamwork within the company. Paper object: team formation and motivation Research methods: analysis of scientific and informational resources, comparative analysis, collection of primary data; that is using information from questionnaires, their evaluation and analysis. Key words: internal marketing; teamwork; team formation; team motivation.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014