Title Personalo atrankos kriterijai ir jų taikymas organizacijose /
Translation of Title Criterion of personnel selection and putting them into practice in organizations.
Authors Mišeikaitė, Melita
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Pages 91
Abstract [eng] The object of this paper is the recruitment and selection of personnel. The purpose of this work is to identify the problems of personnel entering into organizations and to present the suggestions how to choose the best worker. For this purpose such tasks were performed: the factors necessary for personnel selection, the selection process, the ways and criteria implemented for selection were discussed; identified the main problems caused troubles for personnel recruitment and selection in organizations; the comparison of personnel recruitment and selection in institution of local administration and private organization was made; the analysis of the personnel recruitment and selection in the Administration of the Kaunas district Municipality, AB “Lietuvos draudimas”, UAB “OMGema” and UAB “V. Butkevičius ir kompanija” is presented; the conclusions and suggestions for personnel recruitment and selection improving drawn; models of personnel recruitment and selection created. This research used such information sources: scientific literature and other information sources, legal acts and the Internet. Leaders and other workers of the Departments of Administration of the Kaunas district Municipality, AB “Lietuvos draudimas”, UAB “OMGema” and UAB “V. Butkevičius ir kompanija” that are involved to the recruitment and selection of the personnel were interviewed, the analysis of the documents of the above-mentioned organizations was performed and the visual research was performed. The paper consists of introduction and three parts: theoretical part (personnel recruitment and selection), analytical part and results part. In the first part there are discussed the activities of prosperous of human resources, where personnel recruitment and selection are two parts of them. In the second part is given analytical part, where research purpose, tasks, object and the size of research were discussed. There are given the methodic of the research and its organization. In the third part the results of the research are given, the data of the research is compared, models of personnel recruitment and selection, which might be suitable for organizations, are made. For the research of the recruitment and selection of personnel in the above-mentioned institution the data of the performed competitions and employees’ personal files in the years 2006 in the all mentioned organizations analyzed. Size of the paper is 76 pages. It includes 11 tables and 36 drawings.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014