Title Sergančiųjų arterine hipertenzija gyvenimo būdo įvertinimas /
Translation of Title Evaluation of a lifestyle of patients with arterial hypertension.
Authors Gorbačevskaja, Natalija
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Pages 55
Abstract [eng] Author of work – Natalija Gorbachevskaja Final work of the master of the nurse The supervisor of studies – prof., habil. dr. Danutė Kalibatienė, director of Vilnius university Medical faculty Rehabilitation, sport medicine and nurse department Keywords: arterial hipertension, measuring of arterial pressure, healthy way of life, risk factors of arterial hipertension, education of patients with an arterial hypertension. The quarter of the population of the planet has the raised pressure. Statistics is similar in Lithuania. Treatment of this disease is systemic and long proceeding process. Regular medicines use and lifestyle correction is the basis of an arterial hypertension therapy. Range: For the statistical analysis 152 questionnaires are given. They have been hospitalized because various problems of cardiac-vascular system were occur. This research had been made in Vilnius city university hospital Cardiology and Nephrology sections and in Santarishkes clinics Cardiology rehabilitation section in 2007. Research methods: During research such methods were used: anthropometrical data measuring (Body Mass Index, to detect the abdominal adiposity the volumes of waist and hips were measured), questionnaire. The statistical analysis of data has been made using „SPSS for Windows 13.0” program package. Results and conclusions of research: At a part sick of an arterial hypertension the basic characteristics of a way of life mismatch a healthy way of life. We have studied habits of a feed and have established that: 36 % respondents did not know about importance of correction of a feed, 53 % knew too little, about such risk factors as alcohol, sugar abuse, cooking methods and how they influence on arterial hypertension development and control (1,1–3,4 %). Studying risk factors of arterial hypertension showed, that abdominal (android) types of obesity was revealed at 82,7 % women and 79 % men. 36,4 % men have admitted that smoke. Influence of a way of life on arterial hypertension development was confirmed with 61 % respondents, but their knowledge was low. Having studied behaviour sick of an arterial hypertension of supervision pressure we have established: 89 % patients have specified that accept all medicines, which were prescripted by the doctor for arterial pressure treatment. But only 53 % patients accept medicines regularly. 83 % respondents have told that they have energometer to measure blood pressure at home, but only third of questionnaires (39%) measure blood pressure every day. 17% measure blood pressure only then they feel bad. 30 % are not able to interpret correctly the results of measure. 30% respondents have specified that they have received the information of their disease reading about it in press, 20% from the doctor. The nurse as a source of the information have specified only 1,4% respondents. 12 % respondents have told that they are not interested in their disease. 42 % respondents have told that they will not do anything about their life–style correction in future. Third of patients have confirmed, that nurses participate in skills formation of healthy way of life, but trust to them have stated only 1,4 % respondents.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014