Title Narkomano kelias: nuo pirmosios dozės iki apsisprendimo gyventi be narkotikų /
Translation of Title Drug addict’s pathway: from the first dose till the decision to live without drugs.
Authors Šmitaitė, Eglė
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Pages 122
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Drug addiction is a sore problem. Various researches and analyses are needed to solve it. The way of drug addict from the first dose till the decision to live without drugs is analyzed in this master work. In order to reveal the way, the main characteristics of drugs, the different author’s views explaining the phenomenon of drug addiction, the main features of the subculture, and the mean of the prevention are discussed. Drug addiction is not an acceptable way of behavior, so the addiction is understood as deviance. Drug use is indicated as the form of behavior, that destroys the standards of the population and the feeling of community. Drug addicts are defined as the members of population, that are deviated from the conventional norms. They are stigmatized and labeled even when not using drugs. The fact of being labeled creates the feeling of discomfort and makes the resocialization less effective. What is more, the main aspects of drug addiction in Lithuania is discussed. According the Neutralization and drift theory of David Matza, the qualitative research results are discussed in the empirical part of the work. The people who use drugs or used them in the past and the experts of drug addiction were questioned using half- structured interview method. According to the research results, drug addiction is the phenomenon that makes person’s life worse. Drug addiction creates unreal life with distorted point of view. Drug users belong to the subculture with unique attitude, language and behavior. However, drug addicts are not separated from the influence of the conventional norms. When the influence of the norms increases, drug addict decides to live without drugs. Drug addiction is an incurable disease, so there is always a risk that the person, who stopped using drugs, may start using them again. The most important factors that help to control the disease and to conquer the craving of drugs are: the motivation of drug addict, the support of the people round about, especially of the family members, and the decrease of negative attitude toward ex- drug addicts of the population.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2014