Abstract [eng] |
The transport of the roads of Lithuania is the broadminded and privatized comparing with the other branches of transport. Lithuania, guiding itself to general transport guidelines of European Union, in the field of road transport is oriented to development of traffic safety, reduction of negative effect of transport for our atmosphere, market control and to render of the best service. In the field of service we can find explanations about the needs, expectations of clients and satisfaction of received service. But there is the question – how can we have it without qualified and motivated personnel? Employer, who wants to high the maximum results of underway actions, has to pay his attention in measures witch focus employees to high the ambitions of company. Motivation – especially important force, witch stimulate people to mix their personal needs with the needs of company. The good result of company could have influence to better gains and acceptance of employee. Now there are a lot of various companies, witch proceeds activity and hopes to get profit from it. The company owner, who wants his business to prosper, must choose loyal and qualified workers. Of course, it doesn’t give him any guarantee, that the employee won’t leave the company when he will get the better offer: bigger salary, better operating conditions and possibilities of carrier. The migration of high qualification specialists is appreciable, especially in present time when the amount of emigration doesn’t change. Therefore many promising companies don’t want to loose their specialists. So it forces employers to pay attention to employees, their needs, expectations and satisfaction of their work. Relevance of this topic intensified because of the attitude of modern companies’ directors and attitude of experts to human resources. They are positive that precisely this factor influences the financial success of company. The big role in economics plays intellectual resources of individuals and organizations in present time; witch influences the success of creating, increase and perfection of organizations. The object of work – the role of motivation in organizations of transport fields. Purpose of work – when analyzed theories of workers motivations, the importance of motivation, motivation measures and their affect, sustaining F.Herzberg and V.Vroom motivation theories, to value motivating factor to younger ( up to 30-ies) and older (under 30-ies) worker. The poll was carried since September of 2006 to February of 2007 – it is 6 month. Higher level workers of transport field organizations (managers, administration) were polled in the course of research that has possibility to comment on their opinion about work needs, expectations and motivating forces. In the first part the point of motivation, several motivation theories and the importance of motivation are discussed. In second part satisfaction of work factors, stimulation measures and singularities of modern work organization are analyzed. In the third part the poll was analyzed, where the aim was to find out work motivation of employees in transport of goods field. There are the conclusions, practical suggestions, summary in English language, literary list and one schedule at the end of the Master work. The size of the work is 80 pages. There are 36 pictures and 5 tables. There are 42 sources in literary list. There is 1 schedule at the end of the work. |